Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Job For a Cowboy: "Ruination" Album Review and "Unfurling A Darkened Gospel" Music Video

Here is the start of my review of Job for a Cowboy's album "Ruination":

Job for a Cowboy may seem like a strange name for a death-metal band, but it fits a group that formed under the hot sun in Glendale, Ariz., in 2003. With its second full-length studio release, Ruination, Job for a Cowboy continues to deliver extreme music that is loud, abrasive, and intense. Fans of intricate riffs and blast beats should find something to like in the album, but Job for A Cowboy isn’t breaking into uncharted death-metal territory either — Ruination plays it safe.

The group began its career playing a blend of death metal and hard-core punk that is now known as death-core. Job for a Cowboy’s EP Doom was the first and only album in the band’s career to feature vocalist Johnny Davy performing the “pig squeal” — a style of guttural death growling that sounds similar to a shrieking animal, which fans call “brees.” Since then, the band has tried to distance itself from the trendy genre by playing more straightforward death metal.

To read more about the album visit The Daily Iowan's Web site.

Job For A Cowboy "Unfurling A Darkened Gospel"

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