Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dead Head: 20 Years of Thrash (Plus: NAHEMAH Video)

Check out this 20th anniversary video from Dutch thrash metal band Dead Head. I sadly never heard of this band until now, but the music playing in the video sounds cool and any band playing metal for over 20 years, despite a lack of fame and fortune deserves some props in my book!

The band's latest CD is called "Depression Tank" and is out now.

UPDATE: I decided to bump this up, because after listening to that opening song in the video a few times, I think this band played a cool batch of thrash, that holds up to this day better than some of the more popular bands. Don't stop rockin'!

Dead Head - 20 years anniversary

I'm not sure what to think of this video by Spanish "prog-rock/art-metal" band NAHEMAH for a song called "The Perfect Depth of Mermaids". The yelling stuff is pretty standard, but the clean vocals mixed add an atmospheric element to the song.

This is the first I've heard of em', so I didn't know what they would sound like at the time. Another bunch of hipsters or something cool? Guess I'll let you decide...

Their album "A New Constellation" comes out June 23 in the States.

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